Lifestyle Thinking Great Freely On Facebook. 14 May 2020 / By: Smita Chaudhari Having friends is one of the best things in life. Having crazy friends is the happiest thing in life. They know all about you. Your best and worst stories. Some have even lived them with you. Together you have tons of shared memories. They are the first to offer love and support when things get hard. We are lucky to have them. Truth is - we need all kinds of friends…. those who call you when they need something from you, those who do the disappearing act when you need them, those who go ballistic when you offer them your honest view, those who put you down, even those who are only fishing for information all the time. It doesn’t bother you much. They are friends.. no holds barred. "Man is by nature a social animal whose inclination it is to live in the company of others." - Aristotle The best things in life are free. Here’s the proof. Facebook. Built on one single premise that man is a social creature and is always reaching out to meeting new people and making new friends! All you have to do is to get yourself out there, sign up and share somethings about yourself that you would want others to know and respond to. In all eagerness, you are happy to click your approval on the terms and what do you know! “The question isn’t what we want to know about people. It’s what people want to tell about themselves. -Mark Zuckerberg Content, photos, videos, recipes, your story, posts about what you like and dislike, you can share anything. You are the owner of your words, graphics and information. Not entirely though, since you have also granted facebook a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free and worldwide licence to use your content in any way they see fit. Carte blanche! But, what do you care? Of course, you’re happy and you don’t mind it. Because now you can reach out, tell your story, share your feelings, be vocal about your opinion on war, religion and politics, and express your perspective on topics that are important to you, share all the little moments that made your life a big adventure, and those precious memories with your family spread out somewhere in this vast world, same with long-lost friends, classmates, newly acquired like-minded friends and groups – whenever you feel like and exactly the way you want them to hear it. Facebook makes you think freely and gives you a sense of purpose. All the smiles and likes brings joy and social connectedness. And, that’s the rewarding provocation perhaps. Therefore, you like, share, comment, and you keep coming back for more! Despite your best intentions to stay on track and accomplish your goal, you get sucked in. Suddenly you're checking your own notifications, looking at what’s been recently posted, liking, posting, sharing, commenting and even lurking, watching news, ads, happily engrossed and generally forgetting why you came to Facebook in the first place. Before you know it, you’re addicted to it. You can argue it to be your lifestyle nonetheless! That’s the Facebook Impact for you my friend; coming from the man behind the facemash-fever that triggered the crash of Harvard servers in his college years, and facebook, the largest social networking site and news organisation ever in the world (founded by him at the age of 19). A self-taught computer programmer branded as modest and assertive. An entrepreneur and a genius with an IQ considered to be in the top 0.1% population of the world. An altruist who believes, “when you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.” “Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it”, he said. And that’s exactly what he did. “When I was 14, my math teacher told me that unless I changed my attitude, I would never amount to anything. I never changed my attitude. Think I am doing ok Mr Grayson? ..Don't let anyone to change who you are. - Mark Zuckerberg From a private online directory of 450 users to social networking service of 2.5* billion users thus far is an extraordinary feat indeed! Happy birthday Mark Zuckerberg! If you like this blogpost, please give it some response! You can either call me or whatsapp me on +9822307712 or email me on Share on