Mad Money Did Somebody Say Insurance? 01 January 2023 / By: Smita Chaudhari At first they will ask why you're doing it. Later they'll ask how you did it. It was a wonderful evening, that one! He was sitting there with his colleagues-turned-friends, holding his favourite drink in hand, nibbling on tidbits, reveling in the glories… bonding, offering opinions, venting emotions, sharing exotic experiences of vacations spent abroad… basically hearing some of theirs and offering many of his own. As the evening advanced, some investment enthusiasts steered the conversation to the ups and downs in the stock market and soon everyone was offering their expert comments. Stock market is every man’s favourite topic, isn’t it? This one just became lengthier, with all the chit chatting about how they had diverse investments, financial projections, and how they took risks but still got good outcomes. How, though the demand and supply was causing volatility, their investments beat the broader stock market etcetera etcetera. There was so much fervor, everyone was loving it, and suddenly he found that all eyes were on him. It was his turn to tell them how big his investment portfolio was and where he had invested his money. He joined in with the same energy and humor – “I put my money in insurance.” Naa… that came across as lame! They were puzzled and were thinking severely – he is young, earning well and in good health. So, why would he? Who does? Because, in their minds, insurance was an investment solely made to provide financial aid to your dependent family if you were to die unexpectedly. In which case, it made sense to take a term plan and lock it. That’s all. He then continued: “Do you know what has been the greatest blessing of my life? My parents. My dad worked hard and always provided for us so we had the stability. He was faithful to my mother which made ours an incredibly secure household. It is their responsibility that taught me the joy of living a responsible life. Today I have a loving family of my own, good job (not exactly my dream job - but good enough for me), good health and caring friends. I know it’s great to have fun and navigate in the stock market, but I’ll do it after I’ve have taken care of the important things in life. If I gave in to my guilty pleasure now, and if all did not go well, in the long run, it would be a terrible weight on my life.” “Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.” – Kin Hubbard “ Therefore, at this time I am mixing my investment with insurance. Firstly, because it is going to extend beyond my lifetime. Secondly, it is guaranteed. In stocks, there is no guarantee that my investment will pay off. What if it leaves me with nothing at that point of my lifespan when I truly need it? Thirdly, it is tax-free. So, I didn’t think of the cost, I thought of the value. In fact, with the endowment product I have opted for, my financial risk is lower, my savings have the potential to grow higher than the rate of inflation, and it is going to generate guaranteed steady income to take care of me-and-my-spouse’s living expenses and other costs for as-long-as-we-live.” Sounds lame? Or Sane! "Do you want to know my secret? I started early. And, if you are better advised, you will too. Another round?” Hi. I am an independent Financial Advisor in Pune City. Most people associate insurance as a boring topic, and insurance agents as chasers! For the average person it is. In my blog I am going to the take insurance topics and make them fun and educating for my readers through storytelling. Because, a good story has the power to make complex ideas seem graspable, and you can enter the story from wherever you are! If you like this blogpost and are interested to know more about insurance, do call me or whatsapp me on +982 230 7712 or email me on I do more than just selling policies; I help both individual people and companies to get the right insurance for themselves, their home, businesses and family. WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023! Tagged In: Lifestyle Image Starbucks Share on